Andra Jaya
Variety Name :Andra Jaya
Duration :115 to 120 Days
Segment Yield :Bold Rice
Acre (In Qt) :18 to 20
Height :80 to 85 cm
Note: The production may vary due to climate change
Safari Jaya
Variety Name :Safari Jaya
Duration :115 to 120 Days
Segment Yield :Bold Rice
Acre (In Qt) :20 to 21
Height :80 to 85 cm
Note: The production may vary due to climate change
VIP - 125
Variety Name :VIP - 125
Duration :120 to 125 Days
Segment Yield :Super Fine
Acre (In Qt) :16 to 17
Height :85 to 90 cm
Note: The production may vary due to climate change
Variety Name :Komalika
Duration :120 to 125 Days
Segment Yield :Fine
Acre (In Qt) :17 to 18
Height :95 to 100 cm
Note: The production may vary due to climate change
Variety Name :Indrayani
Duration :135 to 140 Days
Segment Yield :Long and Semi Scented
Acre (In Qt) :18 to 20
Height :85 to 90 cm
Note: The production may vary due to climate change
Variety Name :Suvarna
Duration :145 to 150 Days
Segment Yield :Medium Bold
Acre (In Qt) :18 to 19
Height :95 to 100 cm
Note: The production may vary due to climate change
Shreemant 64
Variety Name :Shreemant 64
Duration :90 to 100 Days
Segment Yield :Long Grain
Acre (In Qt) :19 to 20
Height :95 to 100 cm
Note: The production may vary due to climate change